Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Updating Gnome3.6 on ArchLinux

Hi people,

yesterday I upgraded my cool Archlinux and one of upgrading was on Gnome desktop (versión 3.6).

Problem 1: Description

Everything was right during downloading and installation process, including the typical warning and these kind of stuff. Then, when I restart my OS I realized that gnome session doesn't lunch at first time, I restart again and the same crap, I just got my tty console. After checking every logs file on my /var/logs/ folder and making sure none of them has not any errors I decided to figure out whether someone got the some problem and I found out :

Problem 1: Solved

# Migrates to systemd booting (just install the following package)
When the last package was already installed and I restarted my laptop, all the boot setting up had changed and my gnome session came back again. But when I typed my user and password I got "Authentication failure". I tried it many times, even on root user, and I couldn't access to my system. Then I reviewed all the logs files again and this time I saw the error which is written bellow:
Then, in my pacman.log I discovered that during last upgrading process I got a warning about /etc/shadow file. Then I was reading a lot about it and to sum up I understood that my encrypted password on shadow had been modified, hence we just have to restart our password(I've forgotten that we have access to our system using other tty without gnome graphic session). In conclusion you have to...:
# Executes this command as root user

$pacman -S systemd-sysvcompat

Problem 2: Description

Nov  6 02:31:40 localhost gdm-password][802]: pam_shells(gdm-password:auth): /etc/shells is either world writable or not a normal file

Problem 2: Solved

$(root) passwd [user_name] 
// Then insert your new password with the new encrypt

And now you have upgraded your system and this is still working.....

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