Saturday, August 10, 2013

Problems updating filesystem on ArchLinux (Error of GRUB: Minimal BASH)

Hi, my hopeless friend. If you are reading this post means that you are desperate because you OS crashed and you can't explain how this could have happened, maybe about to give up of using ArchLinux, hold out !

Two weeks ago, when I decided to upgrade my wonderful OS (5.4Gb) as it is usual when you didn't do it for two long months. I was scary but I went ahead. Everything seemed okay, but as long as I restarted my laptop, just second after restarting an ERROR on GRUB boot showed up with a "Minimal Bash console".

What I did as soon as this came out was taking my old laptop and starting to look up on google about the issue. After a lot of goes I found the key. To sum up, we have to restart our ArchLinux by grub commands. Following steps describe how I got it:

Step1: Choose the OS kernel and which partition is stored (remember tab key shows you suggestions)

$ kernel /vmlinuz##PUSH TAB##   root=/dev/sdaX ro

Step2: Launch linux image file:

$initrd /initranfs##PUSH TAB##.img quiet spash

Step3: Boot (good luck!!! xD)

In case you hit the right partition for your OS, this should be running correctly and then the last step left is going to be reinstall your grub package.

In case you didn't get you OS running, another mode is set up. On this mode you are able to make some probes which will help you to find out why your OS didn't run. On this new console mode you can mount partitions using the command "mount", and within dev folder you have every partitions are installed on your machine, then only mount one by one until you find the correct one, restart your computer, probe again above steps(1,2,3) and good luck ;)

Friday, February 15, 2013

JDBC Driver Connection Problem - ArchLinux

Hi people,

today I found a error on my squirrel-sql software when I was trying to access to my localhost database using com.jdbc.mysql.Driver.

The problem came up using the following message:

" Communications link failure ...."""

After a really long research, doing on other many similar software, re-setting each configuration files on my computer (ArchLinux), at the end I've figured out how that error came and how we could solve it.

To check whether your problem has the same reasons that mine was, execute the following line, when mysqld service is still running:

Input: $ sudo nmap -p 3306 localhost
3306/tcp close  mysql

If this is your case, that has a easy resolution, just you should comment the following line on your my.cnf file:

# skip-networking

And the the output for last command will be:

PORT     STATE SERVICE3306/tcp open  mysql